The rapeseed harvest period is too short, so it must be harvested very ably. A big problem is seed shedding. Harvesting rapeseed too early means lower yields and low oiliness.

HAGO rapeseed tables
HAGO rapeseed tables

In order to minimize losses during rapeseed harvesting by selecting the appropriate mowing date, it is necessary to use the HAGO rapeseed table/attachment with active rapeseed separating knives.

HAGO Rapeseed Tables


Table assembly – drive-on (quick assembly/clamps)

Working width of the header (depending on model)

Floor extension of the harvesting header: 1.0 m

Working part of the harvesting unit: 0.8 m

Number of active rapeseed knives: 2 pcs

Active rapeseed knives length: 1.35 m

Active rapeseed knives: 2 movable cutting bars

Number of double fingers: (depending on the working width of the header)

Powder coating

Main scythe

Double bayonets

Schumacher transmission

Floor header: sheet metal with a stepped surface

Guide for the bayonet bar

Tension-adjustable mounting clips

Fixing screws: class 8/8, 12/9

The original color of the header or your choice


By using rapeseed harvesting tables/attachments, losses due to bursting pods are avoided, and the falling seeds fall on the table. By extending the harvesting unit floor, losses are reduced several times. Savings during harvesting reach about 350 kg/ha, costs related to the use of the combine harvester and working time are minimized.

HAGO rapeseed tables
HAGO rapeseed tables

Active crop dividers (rapeseed side knives) also play an important role, dividing the crop crowns more efficiently and very precisely. Depending on the mowing technique, we recommend using single-sided or double-sided knives.

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